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The Truth about Vaccination for Pets

If you have your ears tuned to the latest buzz, it is probable that you have heard the naysayers condemning all vaccinations. The rumors cover every ailment from autism to cancer as a consequence of vaccinations. But do these rumors hold a candle to the truth? Let us find out.
The hard and easy truth is impossible to deny. Vaccines save lives. We have eradicated countless dangerous diseases that were once an epidemic like the bubonic plague or smallpox. The same applies to dogs and cats as well. The longevity of our beloved furry creatures has been rising at a steady rate since the past few years. A great portion of that is due to the vigilance of the pet owners who have been taking their dogs and cats to get vaccinated on a regular basis.
Initially, many people were hesitant to take their pets to get a shot because of their exorbitant cost. Low cost pet vaccinations have revolutionized the market as increasingly more pet owners are choosing to get their pets vaccinated. The process has become even simpler with the advents of mobile vet services. With the touch a button you can search for “Mobile pet vaccinations near me” and get an expert to come to your house and look at your pawed friend in a matter of minutes. 

How to Vaccinations work?
Vaccinations help to give your immune system a boost by introducing them to weakened versions of bacteria that cause deadly diseases. However, these strains of bacteria are not strong enough to infect the system. The body, on the other hand, recognizes the foreign bodies and instructs the immune system to start an attack on the bacteria by creating antibodies. These antibodies remain in the body even after the bacteria have been wiped out and continue to fight and shield the body against any further attack from the similar strain of bacteria.
Some pets, unfortunately, can have adverse reactions to the vaccinations, however, the occurrences are far and few. On the other hand, cases of rabies in people in the United States are becoming next to extinct due to the strict laws that are in place to get the pets vaccinated. Vaccines shield the dogs and other life-forms including that of the humans against deadly diseases such as rabies.
Some veterinarian experts have been claiming that it is not the vaccinations themselves that cause the problem, but the frequency with which the vaccinations are administered to the pets. The vaccination should be tailor-made depending on the size of your pet, their breed, the geographical location, the age of the pet and the way it lives its life. While many vets still go for the one size fits all kind of a vaccination shot, newer vets have taken up the issue and tried to introduce variety when it comes to vaccinations. A shot that would be suitable for an adult Labrador would not be suitable for a pint-sized Chihuahua. These differences are to be taken into consideration while getting your pet vaccine.
The experts, above all, urge the pet owners to be more vigilant and educated about the benefits and the possible dangers that might come along with vaccinating your pet.


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